I’m Sarah, a graphic designer who loves coffee, creativity and collaboration. My personality is rooted in energy and passion (even my Enneagram personality test agrees … type 7 - the enthusiast, no surprises here).

I bring my energy and passion to the creative space professionally with my extensive experience in package, print and digital design. I love to be purposeful and busy, which helps me stay driven and detail-oriented. The beauty/fashion/lifestyle space is where I am most inspired and want to live. I love using my talents to create work that are both functional and beautiful. I produce cohesive and compelling designs that evoke feeling and style, or enhance an experience.

One of my greatest strengths as a designer is my capability to walk the line between art and commerce, and my favorite thing about what I do is my ability to take your “verbals” and transform them into impactful “visuals.”

I am also good at the “about me” section of my website, who knew?